Soyeong Yang

Master Student

This is Soyeong Yang, master student in HCI Tech Lab at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). My research interests are Haptic Rendering, Interaction Design and Virtual Reality. I focus on developing algorithms for how tactile experiences in VR can give users cognitively appropriate feedback.

I received B.S. major in Art&Technology at Chung-Ang University (CAU).



Research Experiences

Work Experiences


[GCT722] HaptoRelax: Haptic Feedback for Enhancing Human Touch in VR Realaxation Using SMA

HaptoRelax, a wrist-worn device utilizing shape memory alloys (SMA), provides soft and smooth tactile feedback on the skin. By using SMA springs, we could generate a gentle repetitive grabbing so that it can be helpfully applied within VR relaxation scenes to users.


[GCT501] MINIEMO: An Interactive Toy to improve mental health using Generative AI

MINIEMO, a toy that interacts with users in real-time, can force them to laugh and help improve their mental health. With Raspberry Pi, we used openCV and deep learning model to distinguish user's facial expressions. Based on the expression, embedded ChatGPT makes a response and TTS gives voice-feedback to users.


Awards & Honors

Skills & Techniques

Programming Language               Python, C, C#

Game Engine                                       Unity, Unreal Engine

Physical Computing                        Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi

3D Program                                          Maya, Blender, Rhino